Welcome to Scheuerl.net

This is the web presence of Peter Scheuerl, Senior IT Project Manager also Frontend-Developer and User-Interface Designer since the mid 1990's.

Peter Scheuerl

I grew up in Hamburg, Germany and only left that beautiful spot around 2005 to live in New Zealand, very different in many aspects, but a very beautiful place as well.
Around end of 2018 the Lobster GmbH, with whom I worked a lot over the last decade, offered me a permanent project management position in Bielefeld. So from early 2019 I started a new chapter in Bielefeld, Germany.

During my studies of physics at the Hamburg University, I started to work on Web-Projects in the mid 1990's.
While the dotcom-bubble was inflating, I worked with several of the big agencies at the time, USWeb/CKS (which renamed itself MarchFirst just to go down a few months later), Pixelpark and SinnerSchrader.
Since then I worked on many projects, for some I delivered the front-end to agencies, for others I did the whole project.
My main focus is on the front end development, including the usability, and always working to the highest standards while still getting everything to work on some weird behaving Browsers. But I also do a lot of back-end programming and deliver whole projects from concept to final product.

Since 2019 my work is a little further away from the web, being - very tech related - project manager for a Product Information Management softare. From helping the support team, working with the dev team implementing new features to the actual implementing of the software in the customers IT environment, my job extends quite a bit from a classical project manager.

Beside work and web development, I do a lot of sailing, racing mainly in dinghies on all levels up to World Championships. So the decision to stand for webmaster at the International OK Dinghy Association (okdia.org) wasn't a hard one.
In the mid 1990's there was a big shift in sailing to change the rules to simpler ones, more direct judging and other changes, being involved in coaching and sailing myself, I also qualified and was appointed an International Judge by the International Sailing Federation in 1998.
Since then I travel to several international sailing events per year, to try and help making the events nice and fair for the competitors.